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Can Lasers Save Your Teeth? If You Suffer From Bleeding Gums, You Have Options.

Laser Gum Treatment is Making Waves in Addressing Gum Disease. If You Suffer From Bleeding Gums, You Have Options.

If you’ve been recently diagnosed with gum disease, you’re not alone. According to the Canadian Dental Association, seven out of 10 Canadians will develop what’s known as periodontal disease at some point in their lives. Unfortunately, many sufferers cannot diagnose gum disease on their own, as it progresses painlessly until more severe issues emerge. This makes it one of the most common dental problems.
While regular brushing and flossing should be your first defense against gum disease, newer technologies have emerged to treat sufferers who are in the advanced stages of periodontal disease. Laser gum treatment is being used by many dentists as a less invasive, less painful and typically quicker way to restore oral hygiene in your mouth.

Understanding Gum Disease

Bleeding gums can be an early sign of Periodontal disease. Periodontal disease typically means you have an infection in the gum tissue that holds your teeth in place. This is caused by a buildup of plaque and tartar caused by improper brushing and flossing. While there are several stages of gum disease, in the worst cases it can penetrate deep into your bones.
Most commonly, middle-aged adults will suffer from gum disease, caused by a number of issues, including:

  • Poor dental hygiene causing a buildup of plaque and bacteria that will infect your gums.
  • Misaligned teeth that create hard-to-reach pockets where plaque and bacteria will accumulate.
  • Hormonal changes that cause the blood vessels in your gums to become prone to bacterial infections.
  • Chronic illness such as diabetes that impairs your circulation and the ability for your gums to heal on their own.
  • Poor nutrition involving excess sugar and carbohydrates that cause an increased buildup of plaque.

While painless in its initial stages, periodontal disease or gingivitis is often characterized by red and swollen gums that bleed easily when you brush or floss. Sufferers may also notice receding gums, persistently bad breath, a poor taste in their mouth and pus around their teeth and gums. Unfortunately, many of these symptoms are also linked to other oral health issues, making it imperative to have them addressed and properly diagnosed by your dentist.

Traditional Surgery versus Laser Gum Treatment

With surgery, your dentist can treat gum disease by using a scalpel to cut your gums and expose the root of each tooth. The root can then be cleaned, the bone can be shaped and your gums will be stitched back together lower than they were before to minimize your gum pocket, and prevent the risk of future infections.

While still an effective means of treating periodontal disease, many patients are uncomfortable at the thought of surgery in their mouth. In addition, no surgery is without risk of complications and side effects. When treating gum disease surgically, exposing the tooth root surfaces can lead to teeth sensitivity and even an added risk of cavities on the roots of the teeth that become exposed.

Laser Gum Treatment - Pain free solution for gum disease

Laser Gum Treatment – Pain free solution for gum disease

Laser Treatment for Gum Disease

With laser gum treatment, a dentist is able to access an infected gum pocket using a laser so that he or she can then eliminate the infected tissue and bacteria. When the tissue is removed and your tooth’s root is exposed, the hardened plaque (known as tartar) is eliminated with an ultrasonic root cleaner instead of scraping tools. Next, the dentist will smooth any rough spots on the root which commonly attract bacteria, in order to mitigate future infections.

Benefits of Laser Periodontal Therapy

While laser treatment for gum disease is typically a quicker procedure when compared to surgery, it also offers patients a whole host of additional benefits, including:

  1. Reducing your gums’ bleeding and swelling with less-invasive treatment versus surgery.
  2. Adjustable wavelengths to optimize the laser gum treatment for each individual patient’s needs.
  3. Shorter healing period due to the laser causing only minimal trauma to gums and teeth.
  4. Minimal discomfort as laser periodontal therapy doesn’t require drilling.
  5. Preserving the healthy parts of your teeth thanks to the precise ability of the laser.
  6. Less risk of bacterial infection as the laser helps to sterilize the treatment area in your mouth.

If you’d like to learn more about laser treatment for gum disease – whether it be for you or a loved one – contact us at the Dental Health Clinic. Our dentists offer free consultations to determine your best course of action, including laser gum treatment.

Contact us to inquire about laser periodontal therapy today!


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Dr. Priya Chaudhry

Dr. Priya Chaudhry

Dr. Priya Chaudhry, a talented dentist. She loves making smiles better by combining her knowledge with a caring approach. Dr. Chaudhry's blog is full of helpful dental tips, helping readers feel confident about their oral health and sporting a bright, happy smile.