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Too Old for Braces?

Braces Adults

5 Benefits of Having Braces at 40 or Older

When many of us think about wearing braces, we often picture our uncomfortable teenage years. While braces, head gear and retainers signified a middle-school era for many, the truth is orthodontics have benefits for every age group. In fact, more than one in four of every Canadian seeking orthodontic treatment is over the age of 21.

If you think you’re too old for braces, think again! Here are just a few of the benefits to having braces at 40 or older.


Improve Your Smile at Any Age

A smile makes a great first impression. And if it pains you to smile well into your adulthood, it may be time to correct your teeth positioning with braces at 40. From work events to social situations and even a simple selfie, no one should have to hide their smile. Straightening your teeth with braces at 40 can greatly improve your smile, impacting how you present yourself to others and how they interact with you as well.


Straighten Shifting Adult Teeth 

You may have lived your whole life so far with perfectly straight teeth. But the truth is, there’s no guarantee they’ll remain this way. While injuries can cause shifts to your teeth, some adults still experience movement in their mouth for no reason at all – well after they turn 40. Whether you wore braces in your youth or not, if you want to realign your smile, braces at 40 may be required in your adulthood.


Improve Your Digestion

A misaligned smile can make it difficult to chew. This means your digestive system needs to work in overdrive to process food, resulting in discomfort for many adults. When your teeth are straightened by adult braces, you’ll be able to chew your food thoroughly and enhance your digestion – something your stomach will thank you for!


Prevent More Serious Health Conditions

When your teeth don’t fit together properly, your health could be at stake. A crowded mouth, gaps in your smile and crooked teeth – regardless of how they’re caused – can be difficult to clean on your own. Left untreated, these issues can lead to decay, gum disease, tooth loss and even some more serious health conditions.


Take Advantage of Newer Braces

If a mouth full of metal is what you’re expecting when you’re prescribed braces at 40, the good news is that orthodontics have evolved. Braces today are significantly more minimal with wires that are less noticeable, and brackets that are smaller, neutral coloured or even clear. Depending on your situation, you may be able to correct your smile with Invisalign – a system that is virtually invisible, removable and comfortable so that you can straighten your teeth without any hassle.

The first step in taking advantage of any of the above benefits of braces at 40 begins by making an appointment with a dental professional. At the Dental Health Clinic, we call this a Smile Consultation, where you’ll meet our team, learn about orthodontics and receive an exam to determine which adult braces will best suit your situation, regardless of age.

Contact us to correct your smile with adult braces today!




Dr. Priya Chaudhry

Dr. Priya Chaudhry

Dr. Priya Chaudhry, a talented dentist. She loves making smiles better by combining her knowledge with a caring approach. Dr. Chaudhry's blog is full of helpful dental tips, helping readers feel confident about their oral health and sporting a bright, happy smile.